Posted by: Anita Montgomery | March 8, 2011

Thirty Day Prayer Journey

Good Morning!

I’m back! Thanks to the help of my ever so kind husband, we finally got back into my blog after not being able too, for weeks. Yesterday, when I was napping, which I never do, after awakening he told me I had a surprise on my computer … OMG guess what was here, YES, he found a way to get me back in. I missed blogging and was actually ready to start a new one from scratch. But “Super Jack” saved my day! Hooray!

Much has happened since my last blog, but for now I will start with the present and back track later if God leads me too! Remember, I am doing this as He leads and I get the Holy Spirit nudge!

So here I go! Looking at my title you might be wondering, just what is a 30 Day Prayer Journey. Let me explain. Years ago a pastor friend of ours from Texas, shared an article he had written, which by the way we still have, a simple, to the point one, but very powerful in content. We have personally applied this to our lives many times and are doing so right now! We also are doing this with 2 couples in ministry right now, and I am doing it with one of my closest friends.

It works like this, when you really are seeking the Lord for wisdom, maybe on a major decision, or need a divine intervention in your life that is desperately needed, as all possibilities have been exhausted, you simply seek God with all your heart for a 30 day period. If you desire, ask others that you know are “real prayer warriors” to join you in this venture. Update them as you are led and share how you see God at work in this 30 period. If at the end of 30 days you have not yet had a breakthrough, move on to 30 more. Our journey has never failed us, as we apply Proverbs 3: 5-6 daily! “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths”.

On a personal note, we have been experiencing some tough times in this season of our lives, needing to make decisions that only God could direct us to do and then trust Him as we make them. We are praying for 30 days that we might do the possible and God will do the impossible. We can’t wait to see how He works on  daily basis! We officially started day 1 of our journey yesterday and are on varying days for our other ministry peers and friends. We are excited to hear and see what God is also doing on their journeys! Our Father never fails us … we are already giving Him thanks!

With that said, if you ever need a 30 Day Prayer Journey, don’t hesitate to start and enlist other “prayer warriors” as you do, we did!

I also bought a special journal to use for our 30 Days and isn’t it just like God to have me immediately see one, in an office supply store, none the less, entitled “Trust in the Lord with all your heart”! It is blue with a flower on the front, the flower is a pink heart … only God could have given me a journal that has Proverbs 3:5-6 on it! What a confirmation!

So if and when you are ready, enlist your “prayer warriors”, pick up your journal and begin! You’ll be glad you did!

Thoughts from my heart, feel free to share yours too!



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